A portrait of Lina Calin

“The P in PM is as much about ‘people management’ as it is about ‘project management’. – Cornelius Fichtner”


Lina Calin

Project Manager at Spark­box.

As a dig­i­tal project man­ag­er, I apply my pas­sions for psy­chol­o­gy, empa­thy, and the human side of project man­age­ment to dri­ve my suc­cess as a project lead. Whether lead­ing design projects, web­site builds, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing projects, or cus­tom appli­ca­tion builds, I believe that empow­er­ing my team with effec­tive work­flow process­es, devel­op­ing pow­er­ful con­nec­tions with project stake­hold­ers, and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with hon­esty and com­pas­sion help direct project suc­cess that lasts well beyond prod­uct launch. 

I believe that project man­age­ment is a lead­er­ship role, and as lead­ers we should first and fore­most be good ser­vants and great lis­ten­ers. I love to embar­rass my team with exu­ber­ant affir­ma­tion and I am firm­ly in the camp of Uses Too Many Excla­ma­tion Points.”

Out­side of work, I love explor­ing every­thing culi­nary! I author a food blog, cook for my com­mu­ni­ty, enjoy good bour­bon and red wine, and spend as much time as I can in my city’s bur­geon­ing restau­rant scene. I also love sun­ny days on Vir­gini­a’s gor­geous James Riv­er, dab­bling in home crafts, and snug­gling with my spoiled kit­ten, Ava.


  • Empa­thet­ic peo­ple management
  • Draft­ing and imple­ment­ing improved project man­age­ment processes
  • Cul­ti­vat­ing rela­tion­ships with cross-func­tion­al project stakeholders
  • Time man­age­ment and prioritization
  • De-esca­lat­ing cri­sis situations
  • Resource man­age­ment
  • Risk man­age­ment
  • Atten­tion to detail


  • Project Man­ag­er, Sparkbox
    March 2019 — present

  • Dig­i­tal Project Man­ag­er, Fos­ter Made
    Decem­ber 2015 — March 2019

  • Account & Project Man­ag­er, Whit­ting­ton Consulting
    June 2013 — Decem­ber 2015

  • Account & Project Man­ag­er, Micheal Sparks Design
    May 2012 — June 2013


Completed apprenticeship in Richmond, Virginia, United States
